Completed Projects since 1999

Since its establishment in 1999 FCEL has carried out more than 100 research projects with more than 500 researches involved.Exhaustive list of topics of completed projects and their outcomes per year are listed on our dedicated  Russian page.

Some of the most significant completed projects are listed below with links to the full description of respective project and its results in Russian, if available.


Analysis of legal and social consequences of adoption of the draft federal law On Education in Russian Federation regarding alteration of legal status of participants of educational interaction in regional legislation.

Analysis of current Russian educational legislation on international cooperation and development of new scientific approaches to enhancing this legislation. Preparation of the study program on Legal Foundations of International Cooperation in Education.

Analysis and systematisation of acts of educational legislation issued in the USSR before 1992 with the view to incorporate their norms into the newest educational legislation of Russia. As a result of the project a unique research methodology has been designed aimed at indication and systematisation of USSR legislation that can be used in other spheres of research, not necessarily connected with education.

Realisation of activities belonging to the sphere of competence of the Ministry of Education and Science: monitoring of efficacy.

- Scientific commentary to the Federal Law on Education in Russian Federation.

- Preparation of analytical materials informing foreign readers of the newest legal foundation of the system of education in Russia. These materials form the substantive matter of this web page (see Education Law in Russia).


Theoretical and legal foundations for protection of the rights and interests of participants in educational interaction.

Investigation of theoretical and practical basis of existing accountability models in education with the view to progressively improve the mechanism of protection of rights and freedoms of participants of educational interaction.

Extracting main characteristics of universal norms and principles of international law as an integral part of Russian legal system ex parte norms and principles concerning education and custody over minors.

Methodological recommendations and commentary on fighting against violations of the right to education and rights in education as provided for by Russian educational legislation. Recommendations on identification and elimination of the reasons and conditions leading to such violations.


Legal nihilism and corruption in education.

Meaning, subject, system and sources of education law: towards the forming of methodological basis of the course ‘Education Law’.

Analysis of case law on education in 2008-2009: constitutional and common jurisdiction, regional courts and commercial courts. Issues studied: protection of students’ rights, funding and revenue of educational activities, typology and organisational forms of educational institutions, reforming and dissolving of educational institutions, management and supervision in education, responsibility and accountability in education.

Enhancing legal regulation on higher education in Russia in the framework of the Common European Education Space under the Bologna Process.

Scientific basis for enhancing legal regulation on the enrolment of foreign students in Russian educational institutions under the conditions of improving competitive positions of Russian education in the world.

Enhancing legal regulation of the interaction on forming the legal basis of, realisation and protection of the rights of disabled children.

Research on the particularities of funding the export of educational services.

Comparative research on the practice of formation and the fundamental characteristics of foreign and Russian systems of educational legislation.

2000-2010 (in Russian)