Main Achievements
Formation of theoretical and legal framework for enhancement of legal regulation on education, elaboration of unified scientific approaches to subsequent drafting of educational legislation, including the Education Code of Russian Federation. 
Preparation of recommendations to the regional legislators in order to enhance the respective regional educational legislation, extraction of the norms of regional educational legislation that are unreasonable and/or ineffective, formulation of scientifically sound recommendations on subsequent drafting of regional legislation. 
Determination of major objectives, organisational and legal contours of the economic course aimed at the widening of choices to fund education with the priority allocated to extra budgetary resources and activation of investment policy in education. 

Elaboration of the concept and the draft of common articles for the Code on Education of Russian Federation.
Investigation of the scientific and methodological basis for the enhancement of legal regulation of education. Formulation of suggestions to develop and further enhance educational legislation on basic and professional education, the status of teachers and distance learning. 
Elaboration of methodological principles of legislative activities in education, elaboration of recommendations on drafting educational legislation. 
Preparation and publication of study and methodological materials and academic monographs for the study discipline ‘Education Law’.

Preparation of the federal component of the state standard for general education. 
Elaboration of investment models for state educational institutions with better involvement of non-budgetary funding, suggestions for organisational and legal patterns of proprietary interactions in education.
Analysis of regional educational legislation with the purpose to indicate gaps, collisions and other shortcomings of the legislation in force negatively affecting the unity of legal framework in education. Preparation of recommendations aimed at improvement of relevant legislation. 

Drafting the common articles for the Education Code of Russian Federation. Draft of conceptual paper on the Code’s specific provisions.
Elaboration of methodological kit aimed at introduction of the state standard on general education. 
Draft legislation on the use in educational process of licensed and certified software, concept of civil society cooperation in professional education, recommendations for the supervisory bodies on the mechanism to coordinate their social policy with civil society organisations and non-profit organisations including Russian and foreign non-profit funds. 
Publication of monographs and collections of papers and legislation on educational legislation of CIS and Baltic countries, EU countries. 

Analysis of existing forms and contents of the state standard in the context of modernisation of education system, elaboration of conceptual foundation, criteria and requirements for the ‘second generation’ state standard.
Elaboration of methodological recommendations for enhancement of quality school management conditioned upon introduction of the new standards.
Publication of practical research on ‘Copyright and Property Rights for Digital Study Resources’ and a collection of international standards and norms on European integration in education and research. 
Launch of the FCEL’s official website ( focused mainly on raising awareness of educational legislation and education law. 

Elaboration of legal base for introduction of Unified State Examination and shifting its status from approbation stage to compulsory basis. 
Elaboration of amendments to Regulations on attestation of pedagogical staff and management of educational institutions, Regulations on final examination of graduates, Regulations on enrolment in professional institutions and mechanism of functioning of preparatory courses, Set of Regulations on physical and technical security of education facilities. 
Publishing of an academic monograph ‘Education Systems and Educational Legislation of Eastern States’. 

Elaboration of conceptual framework for the form and contents of a unified legislative act integrating legislation at all levels of education.
Elaboration of suggestions to legally and methodologically justify introduction of the Unified State Examination on compulsory basis. 
Elaboration of suggestions as to modernise legislative basis for accountability and protection of rights of subjects of educational activities. 
Launch of the peer-reviewed analytical journal ‘Yearbook of Russian Educational Legislation’.
Publication of article-by-article commentary to the Law on Education.

Preparation of a draft report on compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on education of Rosobrnadzor (the federal executive body performing the functions of control and supervision in the field of education) and methodological tools for the preparation of annual reports by the body. 
Preparation of methodical kit to validate mechanisms for monitoring of, analysing of and reporting on the results of public supervision of compliance with educational legislation. 
Investigation of the forms of interaction of supervisors in the process of control and supervision of educational institutions. 
Publication of a monograph "Educational Legislation and Systems of Education of Foreign Countries"


Elaboration of a concept of a legislative act integrating all levels of education (the concept of the draft federal law "On Education in the Russian Federation"). 
Analysis of the forms of education in educational institutions located in areas heavily populated by indigenous peoples of the North. Development of patterns of inclusion of remote (inaccessible) educational institutions in the process of modernisation of national education. 
Proposals of technological and organisational schemes aimed at reseach of and evaluation of the quality of education in Russian regions as a specific activity of the regional service of control and supervision in the field of education. 
Publication of a commentary on the Federal Law "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education"


Elaboration of scientific and methodological basis of the legal regulation of enrolment of foreign citizens in Russian educational institutions with view to increase competitive advantages of Russian education. 
Conduction of a comprehensive methodological study of the concept, subject, systems and sources of education law aimed at formation of scientific and methodological framework of the study course "Education Law." 
Development of the models of specialised education for schools with ethno-cultural component. 
Launch of an online search engine and legal database on educational legislation on the FCEL’s website. 


Implementation of a set of measures aimed at scientific and methodological support of preparation of the draft federal law "On Education in Russian Federation." 
Investigation of domestic and foreign practices of educational administration. 
Preparation of scientific and methodological basis on enrolment of foreign citizens in Russian educational institutions with the view to expand export of educational services (in terms of improving the competitive advantages of Russian education). 
Development of methods and economic bases for functioning of commercial companies established by state-funded research and academic institutions. 
Publication of a monograph "Education in the United States: the Legal Basis of Funding"


Selection, synthesis and analysis of proposals for revision of the draft federal law "On Education in the Russian Federation." 
Publication of organisational guidelines for running commercial companies established by state-funded research and academic institutions with a purpose to integrate results of research conducted by such institutions.
Identification of priorities and main strands of modernisation of educational legislation in foreign countries and proposing improvements for Russian educational legislation based on the identified good practices.
Elaboration of scientific and methodological bases for the state (final) certification of graduates of educational institutions in the context of a unified independent system of quality education assessment.

Finalising the work on the draft federal law "On Education in the Russian Federation". 
Elaboration of scientific and methodical recommendations for working with legal regulations dating back to 1917-1960 on education, science and guardianship. Preparation of proposals to use obtained scientific and methodological materials in drafting and interpretation activities of public authorities. 
Preparation of scientific and methodological explanations for educators on the application of educational legislation in connection with entry into force of the draft federal law "On Education in the Russian Federation". 
Development of basic strands to improve federal and regional regulations on legal status of teaching staff. 
Legal theory study on mechanism of protection of rights and legitimate interests of certain types of subjects of education. 
Publication of a textbook "Lectures on Education Law".


Preparation of proposals concerning structure and contents of draft regulations ensuring implementation of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" ex parte higher education. 
Monitoring how powers of the Ministry of Education and Science are executed in terms of formulating and implementing public policy and legal regulation on development of public research centers and cities. 
Analysis of changes in educational legislation in connection with adoption of the Federal Law "On Education in Russian Federation." 
Preparation of materials on legal nature of the new education law for dissemination abroad. 
Publication of scientific guidelines for working with educational legislation acts dating back to the period of 1917-1930, as well as scientific and practical guide on the application of generally accepted principles and norms of international law in legal regulation of custody and guardianship of minors in Russian Federation.