Projects and Results

Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Center for Educational Legislation" (FCOZ, FGBNU)

FCOZ's, FGBNU targets are organization and conduction of fundamental and applied scientific research; scientific, methodological, and expert support for the legal regulation of education.

FCOZ's, FGBNU purposes are to provide scientific support for the development and improvement of Russian legislation in education, increase the efficiency and quality of legal regulation in education.

FCOZ's, FGBNU main activity is to carry out state assignments formed by the Founder, are:

1) scientific activity in the field of law, pedagogy, and other areas influencing the development and improvement of educational legislation in the Russian Federation;

2) organization of holding socially significant events in the field of science;

3) organizational, methodological, and information activities support organizations carrying out educational activities in terms of the application of educational legislation.