Зарубежные издания по алфавиту

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y 

1. Access to and Equality in Education / J. de Groof, G. Lauwers (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers. 2004. 143 p.
2. Adequate Education Law for Modern Russia / Jan De Groof, Gracienne Lauwers, Vladimir M. Filippov (editors). Garant. 2001. 393 p.
3. Andrews, Gordon; Warren, Wilson J. & Cousins, James. Collaboration and the future of education : preserving the right to think and teach historically. ––London : Routledge, 2015. –– 142 p.
4. Anweiler O. Some Historical Aspects of educational Change in the Former Soviet Union, in PHILIPS D., KASER M. (eds.), Oxford Studies in Comparative Education, Special Issues on Education and Economic Change in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, Oxford, 1992.
5. Areen, JudithHigher education and the law. –– St. Paul, MN : Foundation Press, 2014. –– 267 p.
6. Arrese, Igor, Héctor, Oscar.The Right to Education in the Fichtean Theory of Natural Right //The Philosophical Forum. –– 2015. –– Vol.46(4). –– Р. 403–420.
7. Art Meets Law in Education: Yearbook of the European Association for Education Law and Policy / Jan De Groof , Hilde Penneman , Chantal De Smet (editors). Kluwer Academic Pub. 2001. 223 p.
8. Assessing sector performance and inequality in education / Emilio Porta [et al.]. Washington: World bank, cop. 2011. 192 p.
9. Autonomy in Education: Yearbook of the European Association for Education Law and Policy / Walter Berka, Jan De Groof, Hilde Penneman (editors). Kluwer Academic Pub. 2000. 449 p.

10. Babaci-Wilhite, Zehlia. Local languages as a human right in education: comparative cases from Africa. ––Rotterdam, The Netherlands : Sense Publishers 2015. –– 138 p.
11. Balancing freedom, autonomy and accountability in education volume 3 // C.L. Glenn & J. De Groof (eds.). WLP. 2012. 438 p.
12. Balancing freedom, autonomy and accountability in education volume 4 // Charles L. Glenn, Jan De Groof, Cara Stillings Candal (eds.). WLP. 2012. 312 p.
13. Balancing freedom, autonomy and accountability in education volume 4. Charles L. Glenn, Jan De Groof, Cara Stillings Candal (eds.). Wolf Legal Publishers. Nijmegen, the Netherlands. 2011. 312 p.
14. Balancing Freedom, Autonomy and Accountability in Education volume 1 / C.L. Glenn & J. De Groof. Wolf Legal Publishers. 2005. 365 p.
15. Balancing Freedom, Autonomy and Accountability in Education volume 2 / C.L. Glenn & J. De Groof. Wolf Legal Publishers. 2005. 475 p.
16. Balancing Freedom, Autonomy and Accountability in Education volume 3 / C.L. Glenn & J. De Groof. Wolf Legal Publishers. 2005. 410 p.
17. Baronnet, Bruno.Right to education and Zapatista autonomy in Chiapas, Mexico // Convergencia. –– 2015. –– Vol.22(67). –– Р. 85–110.
18. Bereday George Z. F., Brickman William W. and Read Gerald H., The Changing Soviet School, Cambridge: Riverside Press 1960.
19. Bitner, Robyn K. Exiled from education: Plyler V. Doe's impact on the constitutionality of long-term suspensions and expulsions //Virginia Law Review. –– 2015. –– Vol.101(3). –– Р. 763–805.
20. Van Den Berg G., “Some Constitutional Aspects of the Right to and Freedom of Education in the Russian Federation,” in De Groof Jan, Spasskaya V., and Roshkov I., Shaping new legislation on education in Russia, Leuven, 1997.
21. Black, Derek.Federalizing Education by Waiver? // Vanderbilt Law Review. –– 2015. –– Vol.68(3). –– Р. 607–680.
22. Black, Derek W., Education law : equality, fairness, and reform. New York : Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. 2013.
23. Blank Stephen, "The Origins of Soviet Language Policy 1917-1921," Russian History/Histoire Russe 13, 1, 1988.
24. Bond, Julian & Bond, Julian.With all deliberate speed: Brown v. board of education // Indiana Law Journal. –– 2015. –– Vol.90(4). –– Р. 1671–1681.
25. Bukharin Nikolai and Preobrazhensky Evgenii, The ABC of Communism, translated by Eden and Cedar Paul, Harmondsworth (England): Penguin Books, 1969.

26. Carrere D'Encausse Helene, “Politische Bildung in der UDSSR unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der nichtrussischen Nationalitaten,” Erziehungs- und Sozialisationsprobleme in der Sowjetunion, der DDR und Polen, Hannover: Hermann Schroedel Verlag 1978.
27. Carson, Cari. Rethinking Special Education's «Least Restrictive Environment» Requirement // Michigan Law Review. –– 2015. –– Vol.113(8).–– Р. 1397––1426.
28. Catto, Rebecca; Davie, Grace & Perfect, David.State and Religion in Great Britain: Constitutional Foundations, Religious Minorities, the Law and Education //Insight Turkey. –– 2015. –– Vol.17(1).–– Р.79–96.
29. Chao, Xiaorong.Characteristics of the Ideological and Political Education Theory of Maozedong in Yan'an and Enlightenment for Nowadays //Journal of Politics and Law. –– 2015. –– Vol.8(2). –– Р. 150–153.
30. Charles J. Russo. The Law of Public Education, 8th (University Casebooks) 8 ed. Foundation Press. 2012. 1416 p
31. Charles L. Glenn and Jan De Groof. Freedom and Accountability: An International Overview// The Future of School Choice. Edited by Paul E. Peterson. Hoover Press Book. November 2003, p. 227 – 261.
32. Children, Education and Health / Neville Harris, Paul Meredith (Eds.) Ashgate. 2005. 304 p.
33. Chinn, Stuart.The ideology behind Brown v. board of education: Political parties and "jurisprudential bundling //Denver University Law Review. –– 2015. –– Vol.92(1). –– Р. 45–94.
34. Clarke, BS.Coming Out in the Classroom: Law Professors, Law Students and Depression //Journal Of Legal Education. –– 2015. –– Vol.64(3).–– Р. 403–415.
35. Comments on the Law on Education of the Russian Federation. Jan De Groof (ed.), Acco Leuven/Amersfoort, 1993.
36. Compendium of Russian Educational Legislation / Oleg Smolin, Gracienne Lauwers, Jan De Groof. LOKA. 2004. 408 p.
37. Comparative education review: the official organ of the Comparative education society. Chicago, Ill. Univ. of Chicago press, 2011.
38. Conflict Prevention and the Issue of Higher Education in the Mother Tongue. The Case of the Republic of Macedonia / Marcin Piotr Czaplinski. Wolf Legal Publishers. 2008. 330 p.
39. Crier, Shelaswau.Beyond Money: Public Urban Boarding Schools and the State's Obligation to Make an Adequate Education Attainable // Journal of Law and Education. –– 2015. –– Vol.44(1). — Р. 23–94.
40. Cross-border partnerships in higher education: strategies and issues / ed. by Robin Sakamoto a. David W. Chapman. New York; London: Routledge, 2011. 285 p.
41. Croxford, Linda &Raffe, David.The Iron Law of Hierarchy? Institutional Differentiation in UK Higher Education// Studies in Higher Education. –– 2015. –– Vol.40(9). –– Р.1625–1640.
42. Counts George S., The Challenge of Soviet Education, New York: McGraw-Hill 1957,.
43. Crossing Borders - Frontier Knowledge. Transnational University Cooperation: a Challenge for the Future / J. de Groof, H. Schneider. Wolf Legal Publishers. 2010. 210 p.
44. Cultural and Educational Rights in the Enlarged Europe / J. De Groof & G. Lauwers (eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers. 2005. 320 p.
45. Cultural and Educational Rights in the Enlarged Europe. Yearbook of the Education Association for Education Law and Policy / Jan De Groof, Gracienne Lauwers (editors). Wolf Legal Publishers. 2005. 320 p.

46. David C. Bloomfield American Public Education Law Primer. Second Edition. Peter Lang, New York. 2012. 193 p.
47. De Groof, JanInternational Journal for Education Law and Policy. Special Issue 2013: Dignity in Education. –– Nijmegen, the Netherlands : Wolf Legal Publishers. –– 82 p.
48. De Groof, Jan &Misco, Thomas.Cross-Cultural Case Studies of Teaching Controversial Issues. Pathways and challenges to democratic citizenship education.–– Nijmegen, the Netherlands : Wolf Legal Publishers, 2015. –– 274 p.
49. De Groof, Jan &Lauwers, Gracienne.Language and Education.Studies in Human Rights in Education.–– Nijmegen, the Netherlands : Wolf Legal Publishers, 2015. –– 418 p.
50. De Groof, Jan &Lauwers, Gracienne. Religion and Education. Studies in Human Rights in Education. –– Nijmegen, the Netherlands : Wolf Legal Publishers, 2015. –– 588 p.
51. De Lucia Dahlbeck, Moa; Dahlbeck, Johan.Evaluating Life: Working with Ethical Dilemmas in Education for Sustainable Development // Law, Culture and the Humanities. –– 2015. –– Vol.11(1). –– Р. 64–82.
52. Deng, Furong.A Thought on Strengthening Value Education in the Ideological and Political Course to College Students: Taking the “Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Law Basis” Course as an Example // Canadian Social Science. –– 2015. –– Vol.11(6). –– Р. 39–42.
53. Democracy and Governance in Higher Education / Jan De Groof, Guy R. Neave, Juraj Svec (editors). Kluwer Academic Pub. 1998. 399 p.
54. Dr. John Dayton. Education Law: Principles, Policies & Practice. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. 2012. 480 p.
55. Dympna Glendennin. Education and the Law: A Guide to Irish Law (Second Edition). Bloomsbury Professional. 2012. 944 p.

56. Education reform: from rhetoric to reality . Gerald Galway and David Dibbon (ed.). Althouse Press, London, Ont. 2012. 333 p.
57. Education for all 2000–2015: achievements and challenges. –– Paris : UNESCO, 2015. –– 499 p.
58. Education. Christina Fisanick (ed.) Greenhaven Press, Detroit . 2012. 157 p.
59. Education Policy Litigation as Devolution //Harvard Law Review. –– 2015. –– Vol.128(3). –– Р. 929–950.
60. Educational Development in China: Documents of Laws and Regulations [Kindle Edition]. National People's Congress (Author), Luc Guo (ed.). Intercultural Press. 2012. 190 p. (Print Length)
61. Educational Policy in an International Context: Political Culture and Its Effects (Education Policy). Karen Seashore Louis (ed.), Boudewijn van Velzen (ed.). Palgrave Macmillan. 2012. 272 p.
62. Education at a glance: OECD indicators. Paris: OECD. 2011.
63. Education research and perspectives. Nedlands, W. A.: Graduate school of education in the Univ. of Western Australia. 2011.
64. Educational evaluation and policy analysis: a quarterly published of the American educational research association. Washington: American educational research association; Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. 2011.
65. Educational policy: an interdisciplinary journal of policy and practice. Thousand Oaks, Ca.: Corwin press. 2011.
66. Educational studies and documents. Paris: UNESCO. 2011.
67. Education Law and Policy in an Urban Society: Yearbook of the European Association for Education Law and Policy / Piet Akkermans, Jan De Groof, Hilde Penneman (editors). Kluwer Academic Pub. 1999. 327 p.
68. Educational Policy in Russia and its Constitutional Aspects / Jan De Groof (editor). Acco. 1994. 166 p.
69. Egorov Semen, Vendrovsky Regina, and Nikandrov Nikolai, “Russia,” in International Handbook on History of Education, edited by Salimova Kadriya and Dodde Nan L., Moscow: Orbita-M, 2000.
70. Erman, S. & Walton, Gm. Stereotype Threat and Antidiscrimination Law: Affirmative Steps to Promote Meritocracy and Racial Equality in Education // Southern California Law Review. –– 2015. –– Vol.88(2). –– Р. 307–378.
71. EU higher education law: the Bologna Process and harmonization by stealth / Sacha Garben. Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands: Kluwer Law International; Frederick, MD: Sold and distributed in North, Central and South America by Aspen Publishers, 2011. 274 p.

72. Fighting to learn : a legal resource for realising the right to education. –– Marshalltown : Johannesburg Legal Resources Centre, 2015. –– 90 p.
73. Finding the Right Balance: Freedom, Autonomy and Accountability in Education, in 2 volumes. By Charles Glenn, Jan de Groof . Publisher: Lemma, Utrecht, 2002.
74. Foundations of higher education law and policy: basic legal rules, concepts and principles for student affairs / Peter F. Lake. Washington, DC: National Association of Student Person, 2011.

75. Gallen, James.O'Keeffe v Ireland: The Liability of States for Failure to Provide an Effective System for the Detection and Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse in Education //The Modern Law Review. –– 2015. –– Vol.78(1). — Р. 151–163.
76. Ger van den Berg. Some constitutional aspects of the right to and freedom of education in the Russian Federation. // Jan De Groof, Veronica Spasskaya, Igor Roshkov. Shaping new Legislation on Education in Russia, Acco Leuven/ Amersfoort, 1997, p.71-97.
77. Globalisation and Competition in Education. Edited by Jan De Groof, G.Lauwers. G.Dondelinger, WolfLegalPublishers, 2003.

78. De Groof Jan, Het levensbeschouwelijk karakter van onderwijsinstellingen, Bruges, 1985.
79. De Groof Jan, “Analysis of the ‘legislation on education of the Russian Federation,” in Comments on the law on education of the Russian Federation, edited by DE GROOF, Leuven: Acco, 1993.
80. De Groof Jan, “Education: a matter of joint competence. A brief analysis of federalism in Russia,” in Siskens T. J. and Beijlsmit L. E., Crossroads in Russia; Experiences in educational co operation, Leuven, 2000.
81. De Groof Jan (editor) Educational Policy in Russia and its Constitutional Aspects, ACCO, Leuven, 1994.
82. De Groof Jan, V. Spasskaya and I. Roshkov, Shaping New Legislation on Education in Russia, ACCO, Leuven, 1997.
83. De Groof Jan and Gr. Lauwers (editors.), A New Framework of Special Education in the Russian Federation, Garant, 2000.

84. Gazman O. S., “Education after 10 years of perestroika,” Pervoje Sentjabrja, 21 November 1995.
85. George A. Giuliani. The Comprehensive Guide to Special Education Law: Answering Over 400 Frequently Asked Questions and Answers Every Educator Needs to Know about the Leg . London: Jesscia Kingsley. 2012. 315 pages
86. Gibson, Lauren.Chalk Talks-Erin's Law : Preventing Child Sexual Abuse Through Education // Journal of Law and Education. –– 2015. –– Vol.44(2). –– Р. 263–271.
87. Gideon, Andrea.The Position of Higher Education Institutions in a Changing European Context: An EU Law Perspective// JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies. –– 2015. –– Vol.53(5). –– Р. 1045–1060.
88. Glenn Charles L., Educational Freedom in Eastern Europe, Washington, DC: Cato Institute, 1995.
89. Güneş, Pınar Mine.The role of maternal education in child health : Evidence from a compulsory schooling law //Economics of Education Review. –– 2015. –– Vol.47. –– Р.1–16.

90. Handbook of special education / edited by James M. Kauffman, Daniel P. Hallahan. New York: Routledge, 2011. 810 p.
91. Hans Nicholas and Hessen Sergius, Educational Policy in Soviet Russia, London: P. S. King 1930.
92. Haug, Kristin &Storø, Jan.Kindergarten – a Universal Right for Children in Norway //International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy. –– 2015. –– Vol.7(2). –– Р. 1–13.
93. Hemelsoet, Elias.Shaping the Right to Education for Roma Children: A Case Study of Present Practices in Ghent, Belgium //Intercultural Education. –– 2015. –– Vol.26(2). –– Р. 94–105.
94. Henderson, Emily F. Education as a human right: principles for a universal entitlement to learning //A Journal of Comparative and International Education. –– 2015. –– Vol.45(4). –– Р. 658–660.
95. Hensel, Wendy.The Limits of Federal Disability Law : State Educational Voucher Programs // Journal of Law and Education. –– 2015. –– Vol.44(2). –– Р. 199–229.
96. Higher Education Regionalization in Asia Pacific: Implications for Governance, Citizenship and University Transformation (International and Development Education). John N. Hawkins (ed.), Ka Ho Mok (ed.), Deane E. Neubauer (ed.) Palgrave Macmillan. 2012. 232 p.
97. Higher education law: policy and perspectives / Klinton W. Alexander, Kern Alexander. New York, NY: Routledge, 2011. 729 p.
98. Highlights from Education at a glance. Paris: OECD. 2011.
99. Hoagland-Hanson, Kevin & Hoagland-Hanson, Kevin.Getting their due (process) : Parents and lawyers in special education due process hearings in Pennsylvania //University of Pennsylvania Law Review. –– 2015. –– Vol.163(6). –– Р. 1805–1842.
100. Holmes Brian, Read Gerald and Voskresenskaya Natalya, Russian Education: Tradition and Transition, New York: Garmand, 1995.
101. Human Rights Obligations in Education. The 4-A Scheme / K. Tomasevski. Wolf Legal Publishers. 2006. 148 p.

102. Improving financial education efficiency: OECD - Bank of Italy Symposium on financial literacy. Paris: OECD, cop. 2011. 148 p.
103. Inclusion of students with disabilities in tertiary education and employment. Paris: OECD, cop. 2011. 140 p.
104. Inequality in Education / J. de Groof, H. Fussel, G. Lauwers (eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers. 2008. 223 p.
105. International Journal for Education Law and Policy volume 7, issue 1-2 2011. J. de Groof (ed.) Wolf Legal Publishers. Nijmegen, the Netherlands. 2011. 206 p.
106. Institutional Models in Education. Legal framework & methodological aspects for a new approach to the problem of school governance / E. Gori, D. Vidoni, E. Hanushek, C.L. Glenn (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers. 2006. 243 p.
107. ISCED 2011 Operational manual : guidelines for classifying national education programmes and related qualifications / UNESCO Inst. of statistics. –– Paris : OECD, 2015. — 114 p.

108. Jach F.-R. Schulverfassung und Burgergesellschaft in Europa, Berlin 1999
109. Jan De Groof, Gracienne Lauwers, Vladimir M. Filippov (Eds.) Adequate Education Law for Modern Russia. Leuven/Apeldoom, Garant, 2001.
110. Jan De Groof, Veronica Spasskaya, Igor Roshkov. Shaping new Legislation on Education in Russia, Acco Leuven/ Amersfoort, 1997.
111. Jan De Groof. Education as a Basic Right in Present-Day Society. A Synthetic Approach//Comments on the Law on Education of the Russian Federation. Acco Leuven/Amersfoort, 1993.
112. Jawoniyi, Oduntan.Religious Education, Critical Thinking, Rational Autonomy, and the Child's Right to an Open Future //Religion & Education. –– 2015. –– Vol.42(1). –– Р. 34–53.
113. Johnson, Scott F. Education law : a problem-based approach. –– 3rd edition. –– New Providence, NJ : LexisNexis, 2015. —– 927 p.
114. Juridical foundation to religious education in the post-soviet Eastern European state: Three Models Theory of the REDCo Research Project in Application to Ukraine. Vitaliy V. Proshak. Wolf Legal Publishers. Nijmegen, the Netherlands. 2011. 128 p.

115. Kaplin, William A. The law of higher education : student version. ––San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, a Wiley Brand, 2014. –– 902 p.
116. Kaplin, William A., The law of higher education : a comprehensive guide to legal implications of administrative decision making. Fifth edition. San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, 2013.
117. Kardanova, A. K. Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Realization of the Right for Education by Citizens of the Republic of South Ossetia in Modern Conditions //Polythematic Online Scientific Journal of Kuban State Agrarian University. –– 2015. — Vol. 107. –– Р. 1006–1016.
118. Kasparová, Irena.The Right to be Included: Homeschoolers Combat the Structural Discrimination Embodied in Their Lawful Protection in the Czech Republic //International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education. –– 2015. –– Vol.8(1). –– Р. 161–174.
119. Katz, Susan Roberta &Spero, Andrea McEvoy.Bringing human rights education to US classrooms : exemplary models from elementary grades to university //New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan. –– 2015. –– 251 p.
120. Kaufman, Michael J., Education law, policy, and practice : cases and materials. Third edition. New York : Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. 2013. 1024 p.
121. Kavak, Yüksel; Seferoğlu, S. Sadi; Kabasakal, KübraAtalay; Şen, Zeynep&Uludağ, Gonca.Changes in the Field of Education and Teaching of Law: An Investigation of Programs Developed Based on Bologna Process // Yükseköğretim ve Bilim Dergisi. –– 2015. –– Vol.5(1). –– Р. 1–13.
122. Kelley, Christopher R. &Kiršienė, Julija.The Role of Ethics in Legal Education of Post-Soviet Countries //Baltic Journal of Law & Politics. –– 2015. –– Vol.8(1). –– Р. 139–164.
123. Kelly, Orla; Bhabha, Jacqueline & Krishna, Aditi.Champions: The Realities of Realizing the Right to Education in India //Human Rights Quarterly. –– 2015. –– Vol.37(4). –– Р. 1046–1070.
124. Kern Alexander, M. David Alexander American public school law 8th ed. Wadsworth Cengage Learning in Belmont, CA . 2012. 1136 p.
125. Khan Md. M. A., "Muslim Education in Tsarist and Soviet Russia," Muslim Education Quarterly 5, 4, 1988.
126. Kirschenbaum Lisa A., Small Comrades, New York: RoutledgeFalmer, 2001.
127. Koerselman, Kristian Middle school mediocrity: quality and inequality in secondary education / Kristian Koerselman. Abo: Abo akad. univ. press. 2011. 133 р.
128. Krek, Janez. Two Principles of Early Moral Education : A Condition for the Law, Reflection and Autonomy // Studies in Philosophy and Education. –– 2015. –– Vol.34(1). –– Р.9–29.
129. Kumar, Ashwin A. P. Doing it right: As far as teacher training in higher education is concerned, the University Grants Commission seems to have got it all wrong //Economic and Political Weekly. –– 2015. –– Vol.50(39). –– Р. 77–78.
130. Kumar, Shiv & Pathak, Krishna Kumar.Right to Education in Perspective of Children with Special Needs //Indian Streams Research Journal. –– 2015. –– Vol.5(2). –– Р. 1–4.
131. Lauwers Gr. and Kokoreva N (editors), Special Youth Assistance and the State Duties in regard to the education of children with special needs, Garant, 2000.
132. Law and Ethics in Educational Leadership (2nd Edition) (Allyn & Bacon Educational Leadership). Pearson. 2012. 320 p.
133. Learning in a Virtual world. Reflections on the Cyberdam research and the development / Harald Warmelink and Igor Mayer (Eds.) Wolf Legal Publishers. 2009. 107 p.
134. LópezGavira, Rosario &Moriña, Anabel.Hidden voices in higher education: inclusive policies and practices in social science and law classrooms // International Journal of Inclusive Education. –– 2015. –– Vol.19(4). –– Р. 365–378.
135. Lynn, M. and Dixson, A. D., Handbook of critical race theory in education. 2013. 406 p.

136. K.Malfliet. Will the new constitution protect democracy and the democratization of education in Russia? // Education.
137. R. Maymillin, Present State and Perspectives of Development of Educational Systems for ethnic minorities in Russia, in J. De Groof, V. Spasskaya and I. Roshkov, Shaping new legislation on education in Russia, Leuvan, 1997.
138. Magashi, Salim Bashir. Education and the Right to Development of the Child in Northern Nigeria: A Proposal for Reforming the Almajiri Institution // Africa Today. –– 2015. –– Vol.61(3). –– Р. 64–83.
139. Maleshin, Dmitry.Chief Editor’s Note on ‘Bologna Process’ in Russian Legal Education // Russian Law Journal. –– 2015. –– Vol.3(3). –– Р. 5–7.
140. Manan, Munafrizal.The Implementation of the Right to Education in Indonesia//Indonesia Law Review. –– 2015. –– Vol.5(1). –– Р. 51–68.
141. Margaret Thornton. Privatising the Public University: The Case of Law. Routledge. 2012.
142. Marshall, David & Goodall, Craig.The Right to Appropriate and Meaningful Education for Children with ASD // Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. –– 2015. –– Vol.45(10).–– Р. 3159–3167.
143. Martinez, Liz.How to avoid debt in the pursuit of education //Law Enforcement Technology. –– 2015. –– Vol.42(10). –– Р. 10–13, 16–18.
144. Mawhinney, Alison.International Human Rights Law: Its Potential and Limitations in Effecting Change to the Place of Religion in the Irish Education System //Journal of Intercultural Studies. –– 2015. –– Vol.36(3).–– Р. 291–305.
145. Mccullagh, Karen.Legal regulation and education: Doing the right thing? // International Review of Law, Computers & Technology. –– 2015. –– Vol.29(1). –– Р. 1–3.
146. Mckeown, Paul & Morse, Sarah.Litigants in person : is there a role for higher education? // The Law Teacher. –– 2015. –– Vol.49(1). –– Р. 122–129.
147. Mehendale, Archana; Mukhopadhyay, Rahul &Namala, Annie.Right to education and inclusion in private unaided schools: An exploratory study in Bengaluru and Delhi //Economic and Political Weekly. –– 2015. –– Vol.50(7). –– p. 43–51.
148. McCowan, Tristan, Education as a human right : principles for a universal entitlement to learning. London : Bloomsbury Academic, 2013.
149. McQueen, Hilary Roles, rights, and responsibilities in UK education : tensions and inequalities. –– New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. –– 208 p.
150. Monitoring quality in early childhood education and care. –– Paris : OECD, 2015. –– 243 p.
151. Mingyuan, GuCultural foundations of Chinese education. –– Leiden; Boston : Brill, 2014. –– 297 p.
152. Michael A. Olivas. Suing Alma Mater: Higher Education and the Courts. The Johns Hopkins University Press. 2012. 240 p.
153. Muckle James, "The New Soviet Child: Moral Education in Soviet Schools," The Making of the Soviet Citizen: Character Formation and Civic Training in Soviet Education, edited by AVIS George, London: Croom Helm 1987.
154. Murdick, Nikki L. Special education law. –– Boston : Pearson, 2014. ––314 p.
155. Murungi, LucylineNkatha.Inclusive Basic Education in South Africa: Issues in its Conceptualisation and Implementation // Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal. –– 2015. –– Vol.18(1). –– p. 3159–3195.

156. Nathan L. Essex. School Law and the Public Schools: A Practical Guide for Educational Leaders (5th Edition) (Allyn & Bacon Educational Leadership) 5 ed. Pearson. 2012. 384 p.
157. Nayak, Rabindranath.Right to education in India. –– New Delhi : S.K. Book Agency, 2015. –– 240 p.
158. New Framework of Special Education in the Russian Federation / Jan De Groof, Gracienne Lauwers (editors). Garant. 2000. 242 p.
159. Newman, Anne, Realizing educational rights : advancing school reform through courts and communities. Chicago ; London : The University of Chicago Press, 2013.
160. No Person Shall Be Denied the Rights to Education / Groof, J. de ; Lauwers, G. Wolf Legal Publishers. 2004. 725 p.

161. Olivas, Michael A., Suing alma mater : higher education and the courts. Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press. 2013. 221 p.
162. Osborne, Allan G., Jr. Special education and the law : a guide for practitioners. –– Thousand Oaks, California : Corwin, A SAGE Company, 2014. –– 343 p.
163. O'Toole, Barbara.1831–2014: an opportunity to get it right this time? Some thoughts on the current debate on patronage and religious education in Irish primary schools //Irish Educational Studies. –– 2015. –– Vol.34(1). –– Р. 89–102.

164. Patel, Serena.Gender Respect Education : A Proposal to Combat Commercial Sexual Exploitation//The American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy & the Law. –– 2015. –– Vol.23(3). –– Р. 393–411.
165. Paying the Professoriate. A Global Comparison of Compensation and Contracts / Philip Altbach, Liz Reisberg, Maria Yudkevich, Gregory Androushchak, Ivan Pacheco (eds.). New York: Routledge. 2012. 370 p.
166. Peres, Catharine Vanessa &Pinheiro, LucíFaria.Fundamentals and Paradoxes of Law which Regulates the Religious Education in Public Schools of Rio de Janeiro //Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. –– 2015. –– Vol.174.–– Р. 2285–2291.
167. Perry-Hazan, Lotem. Curricular choices of ultra-Orthodox Jewish communities: translating international human rights law into education policy // Oxford Review of Education. –– 2015. –– Vol.4. — Is. 5. –– Р. 628–646.
168. Peters, M. A., Besley, T., Araya, D.The new development paradigm :education, knowledge economy and digital futures. –– New York : P. Lang, 2014.–– 285 p.
169. Philip T. K. Daniel, E. Gordon Gee, Jeffrey C. Sun , Patrick D. Pauken. Law, Policy, and Higher Education . LexisNexis. 2012. 2275 p.
170. Pospielovsky Dimitry V., A History of Marxist-Leninist Atheism and Soviet Antireligious Policies, New York: St. Martin's Press 1987.
171. Powell David E., Antireligious Propaganda in the Soviet Union: A Study of Mass Persuasion, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press 1975.

172. Reforming Legal Education: Law Schools at the Crossroads (HC) David M. Moss (ed.), Debra Moss Curtis (ed.). Information Age Publishing. 2012. 250 p.
173. Religious Education in Public Schools: Study of Comparative Law. Yearbook of the Education Association for Education Law and Policy volume VI / J. L. Martinez Lopez-Muniz; Jan De Groof, Gracienne Lauwers (editors). Springer. 2005. 400 p.
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